Review: War Dogs: Tales of Canine Heroism, History, and Love

War Dogs: Tales of Canine Heroism, History, and Love War Dogs: Tales of Canine Heroism, History, and Love by Rebecca Frankel
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

War Dogs is a compilation of many stories of dogs, who fought in battle, saved the sanity of soldiers both mentally and physically, and loved their companion. Dogs hold a special part of my heart, as they love unconditionally and bring joy to my life daily. This book offers story after story of love, protection, and sacrifice of themselves. I love the quote within the pages, “If there are no dogs in heaven, then when I die I want to go where they went” Will Rogers. The section focuses on those furry companions who gave their life to protect their person. One part focuses on the love between a war dog and a person. The author notes that research has been done over and over again on the benefits of having a dog on a human, such as a stress reducer by allowing our bodies to release serotonin, which brings happiness. The stories in this part of the book offer clear examples of dogs who benefit from the love of their human in similar ways. I highly recommend this read and will book talk it in our middle school library on Monday, along with Buried Alive. Students may check either out then! #lfleads #LFMS #hottingerhighlights #middleschoolela #middleschool #dogbooks #americaswardogs

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